Monday, February 21, 2011

Think Piece #4

For this week’s reading, I chose to read Chapter Two: Best Practices in Implementing a Process Approach to Teaching Writing. A few different aspects of this chapter stuck with me. For example, “Students compose more text when they are members of a positive, nonthreatening social climate in which they write frequently” (p. 31). I agree with this statement, based on personal experience. Teachers should definitely address the emotional issues that surround writing. In my opinion, classrooms should have a fun, relaxed, and enjoyable environment. Students should feel comfortable in their surroundings and not be afraid to take risks and push themselves as learners. If writing is emphasized and fun for students, they will be much more apt to write well.
The second chapter I chose to read was Chapter 4: Best Practices in Developing a Writing across the Curriculum. The first thing that stood out to me was once again, foreign language was left out of the entire picture. English Language Arts was mentioned, as well as sciences, social studies, and even math, but not foreign language. Foreign language is often left out when it comes to “all content areas.” I think part of the reason is that all schools do not necessarily teach a foreign language, but I also think that many people still believe foreign language to not be as important as the other content areas.
During my student teaching and long term sub position, I incorporated writing as often as I could into my French class. When learning a language, reading, writing, listening and speaking must all be practiced in order to learn it. One example of writing in my classroom was that I had my students write letters to students in France to get to know them. They asked them questions and also wrote about themselves. The audience was real and my students knew they were writing for a purpose and had fun while doing it.
Writing gives students a chance to express themselves and I believe it is necessary in all content areas. Although it may seem hard to incorporate in classrooms such as science, page 83 has a list of different types of writing. “Writing” doesn’t necessarily mean writing narrative essays. Note-taking, reporting, summarizing, analyzing, journal writing and creative writing are just a few examples that could be used (p. 31). The more often students write, the better writers they will become. Especially in the older grades, only writing in English class is not good enough for our students.  Each teacher has to find ways and time to somehow include writing in their lessons, for the benefit of the students today.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Think Piece #3

While reading chapter 10, Promoting Motivation, in Best Practices in Writing Instruction, a quote on page 206 stayed with me: “…a student’s involvement in a task is not only a consequence of positive beliefs, but also of the attractiveness of the writing task.” I liked how the word ‘attractive’ was used in defining writing. Any assignment, especially writing, should appeal to the student. They want to feel like they are writing for a purpose and a meaning. Students should feel involved and interested in authentic material; otherwise they will not see a point to writing other than just for the sake of getting another grade.  Also stated in this chapter, authentic literacy tasks are for enjoyment and communication for the students.
                In my teaching a foreign language, I always try to incorporate authentic material into my lessons. For example, I had my middle school students act out a cafĂ© scene during the food and drink unit. They were in groups of three, a waiter and then two guests. They had fun with this project because I told them when they actually get to travel to France, they can use the learned vocabulary to communicate in this real-life situation. I also have my students read real menus, brochures, signs, and magazines from France so they are involved with more than just a textbook. Any time teachers can get students, in all subjects, to see the point of the assignment is very important. If they don’t understand the reason for completing it, their motivation and will to do well will decrease greatly.
                I also read chapter 12, Teaching Writing to Adolescents, because I am certified 5-12, as of now. One of the recommendations that I thought was very important was that of “Peer Assistance.” I believe students benefit from collaborating with others, in all different types of assignments. The quality of work students produce is often higher as opposed to when they work individually. I think working with peers is especially important in the writing process. Sometimes students have trouble coming up with ideas to brainstorm and if they talk to their peers, they can help spark a few thoughts. When students complete their rough drafts, revising and editing is important—not only on their own, but for others to look at because a lot of the time, it is easier to catch other’s mistakes. Lastly, students work really hard on their assignments but no one ever gets to see them, except the teacher. If students present or even share their work, they feel like other people get the chance to acknowledge what they have accomplished.
                Lastly, I chose to read the article, I Hear America Writing: NCTE’s National Day on Writing.” I enjoyed this article because it invited students to share any type of writing that they have accomplished. For example, interviews, sports-related pieces, poems, blogs, journals, essays, letters, tweets, videos, and comic strips. There are so many different forms of writing and students have to see that writing can be fun and they should be creative during the process. The diversity of genres and emotions put into writing is very interesting and students should have a chance to share it with others.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Think Piece #2

                After reading the first two chapters of the Best Practices in Writing Instruction, I have a very clear picture of what classrooms that have strong literacy instruction look like. For example, the authors of chapter one say that the “writing is on the wall.” There are a range of texts that exist in the classroom, there are multiple literacy resources and student work is displaying in many areas. Good literacy instructors also incorporate different activities that involve writing, such as putting together mini-books that the students have completed.
                I can relate these high achieving schools to my home district, which I am currently subbing in. Walking down the halls of Walberta Park School, they are covered in student work. From writing pieces, to artwork to projects, the halls are decorated with their hard work. Displaying student’s writing proves that the teachers are proud of what their kids have accomplished and want everyone to appreciate it as well. The students also love the feeling of seeing their hard work on display and like to see what their peers have done as well.
                Also in Best Practices in Writing Instruction, the authors state that “general comments pointing out how pleased the teacher is with the writing do little to move the student along with the writing process” (p 19). I can relate to this statement from personal experience as well. When I get a paper back, I don’t like how some teachers just write “Good job” and that is all. I would rather a teacher write comments all over it so I get feedback and can grow as a writer. I understand the importance to help my students gain self-esteem and confidence in their writing, but they also need constructive criticism so they can become the best writers they can be.
                I agree that writing is a process. One rarely sits down and comes up with a final draft the first time. It takes brainstorming, drafting, editing, revising and publishing. I strongly believe in the peer editing step because I think students can learn a great deal from their classmates. In addition to reading Best Practices in Writing Instruction, I read the Kindergarten Writing Workshop article by Angela Behymer. She explained the different steps of the writing process that she has her students complete. Her writing workshop lasts 30-45 minutes a day. I believe that students should be writing on a daily basis and it is extremely important to have high expectations for each student.

Get to know me by reading my letter to the class!

28 January 2011

Dear Bryan,

Let me first start off by saying how much I look forward to your class this semester. I went to St. John Fisher College for my undergrad and after moving back home after graduation, I chose LeMoyne for grad school. I didn’t really enjoy my classes last semester, I felt I didn’t get much out of them and the work assigned was “busy work.” I am only telling you this because I think you and your course are gong to be the complete opposite. Leaving your class Monday, I had the impression that you enjoy teaching, sharing your passion of writing and really want to be there with us for the next several Mondays of your life. I enjoyed reading your letter and although we have only met once, I can almost hear your telling these stories in person. So here is my attempt to respond to your rambling with some of my own stories.

Growing up in Syracuse, attending Westhill High School, I have to say I didn’t have much experience writing. I agree that it was very test-driven and there was pressure to do well on the state exams. I would hate writing papers on books that we had read or writing DBQ’s for global because they were so boring. We never had a free write or choices when it came to writing. The only year I actually remember writing multiple times was my junior year, when we had to prep for the regents. When I got to college, I wasn’t really expected to write much, either. I had a few “final papers” but nothing on a consistent basis. My majors were Adolescent Education and French, and I found myself completing projects and presentations more than taking tests and writing papers.

I did the most writing in my French courses at Fisher. Each of my eight semesters I had to do a final project which included a 45 minute presentation along with a 10-15 page paper (in French). It did not get any easier by the time I was a senior. These papers were research papers, so again, I did not have much of a choice on what or how to write. If I had the choice to write a story or even an autobiography in French, it would have went much better.

There have been a few life experiences that have brought me to this class this semester. As I mentioned earlier, I went to SJFC, in Rochester, for my undergrad, but now live at home in Syracuse. I have amazing parents who have always been supportive and two younger sisters. Alexis and Regina, who I love so much. It has been an adjustment moving back home after four years of college, I miss it every day, but everyone has to grow up eventually. I am currently taking three courses this semester while subbing 4-5 times a week at Westhill.

My ultimate goal is to be a middle school French teacher, but I chose to get my Master’s in Literacy because I wanted to explore other options. I know that some of the strategies I will learn can be used in a foreign language classroom as well. I think it is very important to broaden my horizons and step outside of my comfort zone. I don’t really know if I will become a writing or reading teacher, but having the option is always a good idea. Growing up, I have also come to realize that “writing” doesn’t always mean 10-15 page papers of boring information; it comes in many genres and it can definitely be fun to read and write.

A lot of my friends think I am going to be a good teacher because I often act like a kid. I think it is very important to be able to relate to my students and build relationships with each one so they trust me. I have read all of the Harry Potter and Twilight books and seen the movies. My favorite books are Nicholas Sparks books, probably because they give me hope that true love really does exist. Another book that really touched me was My Sister’s Keeper. Since I have two sisters, I was really inspired on what the sisters did for each other.

I have been tutoring a 9th grade girl the past eight weeks and we meet in a public library. I have to admit, I have spent more time in the library lately than all of my 22 years of existence put together. My sister thinks I am a nerd now because I have recently discovered how relaxing and fun the library really can be. Since graduating college and not having a fulltime job, I have had much more free time, where I have found myself reading for fun. A few years ago, I would have never imagined me sitting down and getting into a book and not putting it down. During high school, I always got by without reading entire books and still managed to get mid 90’s in each of my classes. Looking back, I guess with a little more effort I could have done even better.

My parents never really encouraged my sisters and I to write (not like they discouraged it, though), but they did enforce the importance of reading. The only time I have written to my family was when I was in France and I emailed them every day. I was there for a little more than a month and I kept all of our emails and sometimes read them every once and a while to bring back memories. Also while I was in France, I kept a journal that I wrote in every night, in French. My life was much more exciting over there and I have pages of stories and adventures.

Something I have been thinking about recently is the advancement of technology. With texting, email, Facebook, and Twitter, I think our society is forgetting how to write in formal situations. Yes, we have a different language, like “u” or “ttyl,” but I don’t think people realize it is influencing our grammar as well. For example, my three best friends and I email each other all the time, since we are scattered across the country now. I tend to not write in sentences or paragraphs. I always express a thought… and then go right in to the next one like this… and definitely do not worry about punctuation and capitalization… it’s fine for a friendly email, but sometimes it is hard to get back in the formal mindset.

I have known that I wanted to be a teacher almost my whole life. Since I have two younger sisters, I always played “school” with them and was the teacher. I still help them with homework all the time. I also knew that I wanted to be a French teacher since high school. The first time I heard French was when I was 3 years old. I took ballet classes for fourteen years. The majority of the steps in ballet are in the French language and I fell in love with the language back then. It also helped that I had nearly perfect grades in the subject from 7th-12th grades. Students are so innocent and they always make me laugh. Between student teaching, teaching in my long-term sub position, and subbing almost daily now, I have hundreds of stories on how students make my day. I know I want to give back and make an impact on young lives.

After reading The Writer’s Notebook, it really made me think about how I want to use my own. One idea I had was to write down all of the things that my students say that make me laugh. Children are so innocent (sometimes) and the things they say and do can bring a smile to my face. So many expressions or statements they say are far from the truth but the innocence in their eyes proves them to just be unaware. For example, I was subbing in fourth grade last week, and we read a book on explorers. We talked about how they used to hunt all types of animals for food (bear, rabbit, deer, moose, etc). I said that some of these foods don’t seem normal to our dinners, but the explorers needed to eat. One little girl raised her hand and said that she has had moose before and loved it. I asked her what it tasted like and she said, “Well, chocolate of course! It was chocolate mousse.” I explained to her that we were talking about the animal (after putting my hands to my temples acting out a moose). She was so cute and this is something I wrote down in my notebook.

Hmm... strengths and weaknesses as a writer? I guess I have never really thought about this. I think I am a very creative person. If you give me a few options to choose from and tell me to write, I may come up with ideas that no one else would have come up with. I have an imagination that likes to run wild and I don’t take enough advantage of this. A weakness I have is my lack of confidence when it comes to writing. Thinking back to things I have completed, I remember not wanting anyone else to read it for fear that they wouldn’t think it was good enough. I have to write how I want to and learn to be proud of my work.

A few last minute facts about me. I love spending time with my family and friends and I would be nothing without their constant support. I played soccer for two years in college and loved every minute spent at Fisher. I am a HUGE Syracuse Basketball fan. My parents have had season tickets since I can remember, and love going up to the Carrier Dome for every home game. I enjoy subbing at my home district, Westhill, because it is a great feeling to be back in the hallways I once walked as a student. Not to mention the fact it makes all of my past teachers feel 100 years old J. I also love to travel. I have been to several cities across the country including New York City, Ocean City, Myrtle Beach, Gatlinburg, Miami, Orlando, Vegas, San Diego and many more. I have also been to France, Germany and Belgium. I really hope this course gives me the confidence to write and I learn techniques to bring into my own classroom!

Hope I covered everything, see you Monday—

Lauren Ludovico

Welcome! Bienvenue! Bienvenidos! Benvenuti! Aloha!

Welcome to Lauren's Blog. This is for a graduate class in the Literacy Education program at LeMoyne College. Enjoy!

